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Setup Time Tracking in QuickBooks Online Payroll

Time Tracking in QuickBooks Online Payroll

Setting up time tracking in QuickBooks Online Payroll can be a crucial step for many businesses, especially those with hourly employees or projects that require tracking time spent. With QuickBooks Online Payroll, you can efficiently manage your workforce’s time, streamline payroll processes, and ensure accurate compensation for your employees. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to setup time tracking in QuickBooks Online Payroll, helping you leverage its features to their fullest potential.

Introduction to QuickBooks Online Payroll

QuickBooks Online Payroll is a comprehensive payroll solution designed to simplify the process of paying employees and contractors. It offers various features to streamline payroll processing, including automatic tax calculations, direct deposit capabilities, and integration with accounting software.

One of the standout features of QuickBooks Online Payroll is its time tracking functionality. By accurately tracking employee hours, businesses can ensure compliance with labor laws, accurately calculate wages, and improve overall efficiency in payroll processing.

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Prerequisites for Time Tracking Setup

Before you begin setting up time tracking in QuickBooks Online Payroll, make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:

1. Active QuickBooks Online Payroll Subscription: Ensure that you have an active subscription to QuickBooks Online Payroll. If you haven’t subscribed yet, you can sign up at QuickBooks Online Payroll’s official website or by calling the customer support hotline at +1-855-838-5970.

2. Administrator Access: You’ll need administrator access to your QuickBooks Online account to set up and configure time tracking features.

3. Employee Information: Gather the necessary information for all employees, including their names, email addresses, and hourly wage rates.

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Setting Up Time Tracking in QuickBooks Online Payroll

Step 1: Access Your QuickBooks Online Account

To begin setting up time tracking in QuickBooks Online Payroll, log in to your QuickBooks Online account using your credentials. If you don’t have an account yet, you can sign up for one on the QuickBooks website.

Step 2: Navigate to Time Tracking Settings

Once logged in, navigate to the Payroll tab on the left-hand side of the screen. From the dropdown menu, select “Employees.” Then, click on “Turn On Time Tracking.”

Step 3: Setup Time Tracking Preferences

In the Time Tracking settings, you can customize preferences according to your business needs. This includes options such as setting the first day of the workweek, choosing how employees enter their time (manually or by clocking in and out), and enabling overtime settings.

Step 4: Add Employees to Time Tracking

After configuring your preferences, it’s time to add employees to the time tracking system. Click on the “Add employees” button and follow the prompts to input employee information, including their name, email address, and hourly wage.

Step 5: Configure Time Tracking Options for Employees

For each employee, you can customize their time tracking settings based on their role and responsibilities. This includes specifying whether they’ll be tracking time by job or by client, setting their regular pay rate, and assigning them to specific projects or tasks.

Step 6: Train Your Employees

Once you’ve setup time tracking for your employees, it’s essential to provide them with training on how to use the system effectively. Ensure they understand how to clock in and out, how to record breaks and lunches, and how to categorize their time spent on different tasks or projects.

Step 7: Monitor and Review Time Entries

Regularly monitor and review time entries to ensure accuracy and compliance. QuickBooks Online Payroll provides reporting tools that allow you to generate timesheets, track employee hours by project or client, and identify any discrepancies or issues that need to be addressed.

Step 8: Integrate with Payroll Processing

Finally, integrate your time tracking data with your payroll processing workflow. QuickBooks Online Payroll seamlessly syncs time tracking data with payroll, allowing you to calculate wages accurately and efficiently.


Setting up time tracking in QuickBooks Online Payroll is a straightforward process that can yield significant benefits for your business. By accurately tracking employee hours, you can ensure compliance, improve payroll accuracy, and streamline administrative processes. Follow the steps outlined in this guide to set up time tracking in QuickBooks Online Payroll and take full advantage of its features. If you encounter any issues or need assistance, don’t hesitate to contact QuickBooks Online support at +1-855-838-5970 for further guidance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I track time for both hourly and salaried employees in QuickBooks Online Payroll?

Yes, QuickBooks Online Payroll allows you to track time for both hourly and salaried employees. You can set up different time tracking preferences and pay rates based on each employee’s employment type.

How do employees clock in and out using QuickBooks Online Payroll?

Employees can clock in and out using the time tracking feature within QuickBooks Online Payroll. They can access the system through the web or mobile app, depending on your configuration. Employees can either manually enter their time or use the clock in and out functionality provided.

Can I track time for multiple projects or clients in QuickBooks Online Payroll?

Yes, QuickBooks Online Payroll allows you to track time for multiple projects or clients. You can set up different categories or job codes for each project or client, enabling employees to allocate their time accordingly. This feature is particularly useful for businesses that work on multiple projects simultaneously.

How often should I review and approve time entries?

It’s recommended to review and approve time entries regularly, ideally on a weekly basis. By doing so, you can ensure accuracy and address any discrepancies in a timely manner. QuickBooks Online Payroll provides reporting tools that make it easy to monitor time entries and identify any issues that need attention.

Can I customize overtime settings in QuickBooks Online Payroll?

Yes, QuickBooks Online Payroll allows you to customize overtime settings based on your business needs and applicable labor laws. You can specify overtime rules, such as when overtime should be calculated (e.g., after 40 hours in a workweek) and the overtime pay rate.

What support options are available if I encounter issues with time tracking in QuickBooks Online Payroll?

If you encounter any issues or need assistance with time tracking in QuickBooks Online Payroll, you can contact QBO Payroll support for help. They offer various support options, including phone support at +1-855-838-5970, live chat, and online resources such as help articles and tutorials.

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