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Create Custom Roles in QuickBooks Online Advanced

Custom Roles in QuickBooks

Creating custom roles in QuickBooks Online Advanced is a powerful feature that allows you to tailor access permissions for your team members according to their roles and responsibilities within your organization. By customizing roles, you can ensure that each user has access to the appropriate features and data, while also maintaining security and privacy. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process of creating custom roles in QuickBooks Online Advanced step by step, ensuring that you can leverage this functionality to its fullest potential.

Introduction to Custom Roles in QuickBooks Online Advanced

QuickBooks Online Advanced is a cloud-based accounting software designed to meet the needs of growing businesses. One of its key features is the ability to create custom roles, which allows you to define specific permissions for different users within your organization. Whether you have a small team or a large workforce, custom roles enable you to control who can access certain features and data in QuickBooks Online Advanced, thereby enhancing security and streamlining workflows.

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Understanding User Roles in QuickBooks Online Advanced

Before we dive into creating custom roles, let’s first understand the default user roles available in QuickBooks Online Advanced:

  1. Master Admin: The Master Admin has full access to all features and settings in QuickBooks Online Advanced. This role is typically assigned to the primary account holder.
  2. Accountant: The Accountant role is designed for users who need access to accounting features, such as managing transactions, reports, and accounts payable/receivable.
  3. Standard User: Standard Users have access to most features in QuickBooks Online Advanced, but their permissions can be customized to restrict certain actions or data access.
  4. Time Tracking Only: This role is limited to tracking time and expenses, making it suitable for contractors or employees who need to log hours worked on projects.

Understanding these default user roles will help you identify the specific permissions and access levels you want to customize when creating custom roles.

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How to Create Custom Roles in QuickBooks Online Advanced?

Now, let’s walk through the process of creating custom roles in QuickBooks Online Advanced:

Step 1: Accessing User Roles

  1. Log in to your QuickBooks Online Advanced account using your credentials.
  2. Navigate to the Gear icon in the top-right corner and select “Manage Users” under the Your Company column.
  3. Click on the “Roles” tab to view the list of existing roles and create new ones.

Step 2: Creating a New Custom Role

  1. Click on the “New Role” button to begin creating a custom role.
  2. Enter a name for the new role to clearly identify its purpose or responsibilities within your organization.
  3. Select the permissions you want to assign to the custom role from the list of available options. These permissions are categorized into sections such as Sales and Customers, Expenses and Vendors, Banking, Reports, and more.
  4. Customize each permission by choosing whether to allow, disallow, or limit access to specific features or data.
  5. Review the permissions you’ve selected to ensure they align with the responsibilities of the role.
  6. Click “Save” to create the custom role.

Step 3: Assigning the Custom Role to Users

Once you’ve created a custom role, you can assign it to users within your QuickBooks Online Advanced account:

  1. Go to the “Users” tab under Manage Users.
  2. Select the user you want to assign the custom role to from the list of existing users.
  3. Click on the “Edit” button next to the user’s name.
  4. In the Edit User window, locate the Role dropdown menu and select the custom role you created.
  5. Save your changes to apply the custom role to the user.

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Best Practices for Creating Custom Roles

To make the most of custom roles in QuickBooks Online Advanced, consider the following best practices:

  1. Start with Standard Roles: Begin by reviewing the default user roles and modifying them to suit your organization’s needs before creating entirely new roles.
  2. Keep Roles Simple: Avoid creating overly complex roles with too many permissions. Instead, focus on defining clear and specific access levels based on job functions.
  3. Regularly Review and Update Roles: As your business evolves, periodically review your custom roles to ensure they still align with your organization’s structure and requirements.
  4. Document Role Permissions: Maintain documentation outlining the permissions associated with each custom role to facilitate onboarding of new employees and training existing staff.
  5. Test Roles Before Implementation: Before assigning custom roles to users, test them in a sandbox environment to ensure they function as intended and provide the necessary access without compromising security.


Creating custom roles in QuickBooks Online Advanced empowers you to tailor access permissions to suit the unique needs of your organization, thereby enhancing security, efficiency, and productivity. By following the steps outlined in this guide and adhering to best practices, you can leverage custom roles to streamline workflows, minimize errors, and optimize collaboration among your team members.

For further assistance or inquiries regarding custom roles in QuickBooks Online Advanced, you can contact QuickBooks online customer support at +1-855-838-5970. Their team of experts is available to provide guidance and support to help you make the most of this powerful feature.

In conclusion, custom roles in QuickBooks Online Advanced offer a flexible and customizable solution for managing user access and permissions, empowering you to effectively control data access and maintain security within your organization.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are custom roles in QuickBooks Online Advanced?

Custom roles in QuickBooks Online Advanced are predefined sets of permissions that you can create and assign to users within your organization. These roles allow you to control access to specific features and data based on the responsibilities of each user.

Why should I create custom roles?

Custom roles enable you to tailor access permissions to match the specific needs and responsibilities of different users within your organization. By creating custom roles, you can ensure that each user has access to the features and data they need to perform their job effectively while maintaining security and privacy.

Can I modify existing roles or do I have to create new ones from scratch?

You have the option to either modify existing roles or create new ones from scratch. QuickBooks Online Advanced provides a list of default user roles that you can customize to better suit your organization’s needs. However, if none of the default roles meet your requirements, you can create entirely new custom roles.

How do I know which permissions to assign to each custom role?

When creating custom roles, it’s important to carefully consider the responsibilities of the users who will be assigned to those roles. You can review the default user roles provided by QuickBooks Online Advanced as a starting point and then customize the permissions based on the specific tasks and functions associated with each role within your organization.

Can I assign multiple roles to a single user?

No, in QuickBooks Online Advanced, you can only assign one role to each user. However, you can create custom roles with a combination of permissions to accommodate users who have multiple responsibilities within your organization.

How often should I review and update custom roles?

It’s recommended to review and update custom roles periodically, especially as your organization grows and evolves. Changes in roles, responsibilities, or organizational structure may necessitate adjustments to existing custom roles to ensure they remain aligned with your organization’s needs.

What happens if I accidentally assign the wrong role to a user?

If you accidentally assign the wrong role to a user, you can easily correct the mistake by editing the user’s profile and selecting the correct role from the dropdown menu. QuickBooks Online Advanced allows you to make changes to user roles at any time to ensure that users have the appropriate access permissions.

Can I revoke access to specific features or data for certain users?

Yes, you can customize permissions for each custom role to allow, disallow, or limit access to specific features or data within QuickBooks Online Advanced. This level of granularity allows you to control access to sensitive information and ensure that users only have access to the data and features they need to perform their job.

Is there a limit to the number of custom roles I can create?

QuickBooks Online Advanced does not impose a limit on the number of custom roles you can create. You can create as many custom roles as necessary to accommodate the various roles and responsibilities within your organization.

Where can I get help or support if I encounter issues with custom roles?

If you encounter any issues or have questions about custom roles in QuickBooks Online Advanced, you can contact QBO customer support at +1-855-838-5970. Their team of experts is available to provide assistance and guidance to help you resolve any issues and make the most of this feature.

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