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How to Unreconcile in QuickBooks Online?

Unreconcile in QuickBooks Online

Managing your financial records accurately is crucial for the success of any business. QuickBooks Online (QBO) is a popular accounting software that many small and medium-sized businesses use to handle their finances efficiently. One of the key features of QuickBooks Online is the ability to reconcile accounts, which helps ensure that your financial records match your bank and credit card statements. However, there may be times when you need to unreconcile an account due to errors or changes in your transactions. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process to unreconcile in QuickBooks Online, step by step.

What is Reconciliation?

Reconciliation is the process of matching the transactions recorded in QuickBooks Online with the transactions on your bank or credit card statements. This process helps ensure that your financial records are accurate and up-to-date. When you reconcile an account, you compare the transactions in QuickBooks with the transactions on your bank statement, and if they match, you mark them as reconciled.

Reconciliation is an essential part of maintaining accurate financial records. It helps identify any discrepancies between your records and the bank statements, which can be caused by errors, missing transactions, or fraudulent activity.

Why Would You Need to Unreconcile?

There are several reasons why you might need to unreconcile an account in QuickBooks Online:

  1. Errors in Reconciliation: Sometimes, mistakes are made during the reconciliation process, such as marking the wrong transaction as reconciled or entering incorrect amounts. These errors can affect your financial statements and need to be corrected.
  2. Changes in Transactions: If there are changes to transactions after they have been reconciled, such as voiding a check or adjusting an invoice, you may need to unreconcile and then reconcile again to reflect the changes accurately.
  3. Duplicate Transactions: If you have duplicate transactions that were mistakenly reconciled, you need to unreconcile and remove the duplicates to ensure your records are accurate.
  4. Fraud or Unauthorized Transactions: If you identify fraudulent or unauthorized transactions after reconciliation, you may need to unreconcile to address these issues and update your records accordingly.
  5. Corrections and Adjustments: Sometimes, you may need to make corrections or adjustments to your accounts, which requires unreconciling previous reconciliations.

Steps to Unreconcile in QuickBooks Online

Unreconciling in QuickBooks Online involves several steps. Here’s a detailed guide to help you through the process:

Step 1: Review Your Reconciliation Reports

Before unreconciling, it’s crucial to review your reconciliation reports to identify the errors or discrepancies that need to be addressed. You can access these reports in QuickBooks Online by following these steps:

  1. Open your web browser and log in to your QuickBooks Online account.
  2. On the left-hand side, click on the “Reports” menu.
  3. In the search bar, type “Reconciliation Report” and select the report you want to review.
  4. Choose the account you reconciled and the date range for the reconciliation you want to review.
  5. Carefully review the reconciliation report to identify any discrepancies or errors that need to be corrected.

Step 2: Undo the Reconciliation

Once you have identified the issues that need to be corrected, you can proceed to undo the reconciliation. QuickBooks Online does not have a direct “Undo Reconciliation” button, but you can manually unreconcile transactions. Here’s how to do it:

  1. On the left-hand side, click on the “Banking” menu.
  2. Choose the bank or credit card account that you want to unreconcile.
  3. Click on the “For Review” tab and then select the “Categorized” tab. This will show you all the transactions that have been categorized, including the reconciled ones.
  4. Find the transactions that you need to unreconcile. Reconciled transactions will have an “R” status next to them.
  5. Click on the transaction to open it. In the transaction details, find the “Reconcile” checkbox and uncheck it. This will change the status from “R” (reconciled) to “C” (cleared) or blank.
  6. After making the changes, save and close the transaction. Repeat this process for all the transactions you need to unreconcile.

Step 3: Correct the Transactions

After unreconciling the necessary transactions, you need to make any corrections or adjustments to ensure your records are accurate. This may involve the following actions:

  1. Edit Transaction Details: If there were errors in the transaction details, such as incorrect amounts or dates, you can edit the transactions to correct these errors.
  2. Delete Duplicate Transactions: If there were duplicate transactions that were reconciled, you can delete them to remove the duplicates.
  3. Add Missing Transactions: If there were missing transactions that caused discrepancies, you can add them to your records.
  4. Void or Adjust Transactions: If there were transactions that need to be voided or adjusted, you can make these changes to ensure your records are accurate.

Step 4: Reconcile the Account Again

Once you have corrected the necessary transactions, you need to reconcile the account again to ensure your records match your bank or credit card statements. Here’s how to do it:

  1. On the left-hand side, click on the “Banking” menu.
  2. Choose the bank or credit card account that you want to reconcile.
  3. Click on the “Reconcile” button to start the reconciliation process.
  4. Enter the statement information, such as the ending balance and statement date, from your bank or credit card statement.
  5. Match the transactions in QuickBooks with the transactions on your bank or credit card statement. Mark the matched transactions as reconciled.
  6. If there are any discrepancies, resolve them by making the necessary adjustments or corrections.
  7. Once all the transactions are matched and there are no discrepancies, finish the reconciliation process.

Additional Tips and Best Practices

To ensure a smooth unreconciliation and reconciliation process, here are some additional tips and best practices:

  1. Regularly Reconcile Accounts: Reconcile your accounts regularly, such as monthly, to ensure your records are accurate and up-to-date.
  2. Keep Detailed Records: Maintain detailed records of all transactions, including receipts and invoices, to help identify and resolve discrepancies.
  3. Review Reports Regularly: Regularly review your reconciliation reports and other financial reports to identify any issues or discrepancies.
  4. Backup Your Data: Regularly backup your QuickBooks Online data to ensure you have a copy of your records in case of data loss or errors.


Unreconciling in QuickBooks Online may seem like a daunting task, but with the right approach and careful attention to detail, you can correct any errors and ensure your financial records are accurate. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can successfully unreconcile transactions, make necessary corrections, and reconcile your accounts again. Regular reconciliation and maintaining accurate records are essential for the financial health of your business. If you need additional help or have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to QuickBooks Online support at +1-855-838-5970 for assistance.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I unreconcile an entire month in QuickBooks Online?

To unreconcile an entire month in QuickBooks Online, you need to manually unreconcile each transaction for that month. Follow these steps:

1. Go to the Banking menu and select the account you want to unreconcile.
2. Click on the Reviewed or Categorized tab to view reconciled transactions.
3. Find and open each transaction you want to unreconcile.
4. Uncheck the Reconciled (R) checkbox to change its status.
5. Save and close each transaction.

Repeat this process for all transactions within the month you wish to unreconcile.

Is there a way to delete a reconciliation in QuickBooks Online?

QuickBooks Online does not allow you to delete a reconciliation directly. Instead, you need to manually unreconcile each transaction involved in the reconciliation. This process involves opening each transaction and unchecking the Reconciled (R) checkbox.

Why can’t I undo a reconciliation in QuickBooks Online?

QuickBooks Online does not have a built-in “Undo Reconciliation” feature for individual users. This is a design choice to ensure data integrity. However, you can manually change the status of each transaction from reconciled to unreconciled by unchecking the Reconciled (R) checkbox.

How do I unreconcile in QuickBooks Desktop?

To unreconcile transactions in QuickBooks Desktop, you need to manually change the reconciliation status of each transaction:

1. Go to the Banking menu and select Reconcile.
2. Click on Reconciliation Discrepancies under the Reports section.
3. Identify the transactions you need to unreconcile.
4. Open each transaction and clear the Reconciled (R) checkbox.
5. Save and close each transaction.

How do I undo a reconciliation in QuickBooks Online without an accountant?

Without an accountant, you can still manually unreconcile transactions in QuickBooks Online by:

1. Navigating to the Banking menu and selecting the relevant account.
2. Clicking on the Reviewed or Categorized tab to find reconciled transactions.
3. Opening each transaction you need to unreconcile.
4. Unchecking the Reconciled (R) checkbox to change its status.
5. Saving and closing each transaction.

How do I unreconcile in QuickBooks Online 2024?

The process for unreconciling in QuickBooks Online 2024 remains similar to previous versions:

1. Go to the Banking menu and select the account you want to unreconcile.
2. Click on the Reviewed or Categorized tab to view reconciled transactions.
3. Find and open each transaction you want to unreconcile.
4. Uncheck the Reconciled (R) checkbox to change its status.
5. Save and close each transaction.

What happens if I delete a reconciled transaction in QuickBooks Desktop?

Deleting a reconciled transaction in QuickBooks Desktop can cause discrepancies in your reconciliation reports. The previously matched transactions will no longer be balanced, and the reconciliation status will need to be adjusted. It is generally better to void the transaction instead of deleting it to maintain a record of the original transaction.

How do I edit a previous reconciliation in QuickBooks Desktop?

To edit a previous reconciliation in QuickBooks Desktop:

1. Go to the Banking menu and select Reconcile.
2. Choose the appropriate account and click on Undo Last Reconciliation.
3. Make necessary corrections to the transactions.
4. Reconcile the account again with the corrected information.

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